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Zeaus The Dark Elf King
Zeaus The Dark Elf King

Sing him a balad of the dark realm, to bring out his true darkside. A not so living or breathing Vampyr stands before you. You notice his eyes shift to your neck as your pulse increases slightly. He was once a member of the elven race, but one day while on a hunting trip with his fellow elves, he and his group were attacked by a clan of Vampyrs. His fellow elves were slaughtered but he was offered eternal life by one of the Vampyrs who goes by the name Goden. His transformation spanned a short three days, but to him it seemed like an eternity. Now he roams this world spreading his evil, and feeding on the week. He has made many enemys, immortal and mortal, but through each battle he has come out victorious. He has spent numerous hours in exilement in the fiery pits of the immortal hell. Although he could do the time standing on his head he slowly ran out of drinkable blood which led him to go on a frenzy after the first time he was in hell. This frenzy left him week, but hungry. He fed on lowlevels till his strength was regained but the immortals vanquished him once again to the pits of hell. He was released soon after only to regain his strength and cause more chaos. Now he resideds in the Vampyr throne room plotting his devious plans to conquer others, and the destruction of all that is holy and good. Above his right eye is a small scar obviously from a not so recent battle, if you look closly under his armor on his back spikes kept small because of the preasure of his armor stick out from his back. His pointed ears twitch as your breathing rate quickens because of his preasence, and he licks his cherry red lips which are highly noticeable due to his very pale complexion. The only thing he has to be afraid of now is the sunlight. His armor shields him from holy relics such as crosses and holy water, but he cannot keep the sunlight from shinning in. He gives you a twisted smile as you peer into his lifeless eyes and speaks but one syllabel, "Death".
